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Training Visa

Training Visa – Class GF (Subclass 407)

Are you recently graduated in Australia or overseas and want to take the occupational training in Australia for your professional development? Australian Training Visa Subclass 407 allows applicant to undertake occupational training in Australia for the purpose of occupational registration and licensing requirements. Training Visa Subclass 407 is usually granted for 2 years with multiple entry facilities. It is a short stay visa which will allow you to gain more skills and Australian industry experience at the same time.

Common Visa Criteria

All applicant must meet the primary criteria:

You must have a genuine sponsor. If not, be nominated unless your sponsor is a Commonwealth Government agency) or be invited if your sponsor is a Commonwealth Government agency
Applicant is over the age of 18
Applicant has valid functional English test – Average band score 4.5 in IELTS or at least 30 in PTE. The test should not be more than 12 months old
Applicant must maintain the Private Health Insurance
Applicant must meet health and character requirements
Applicant must intend to stay temporarily in Australia

Visa Condition

Once you are granted Training Visa 407, you will only be allowed to work for the specific training proposed in your visa application with the approved sponsor. There are many visa conditions which may be imposed to Subclass 407 but the two most important are:

8102 – Visa holder must only work in relation to the holder’s course of study or training.
8501 – Visa holder must also maintain the health cover for him/her along with their member of family unit.
8104 – Second applicant is not allowed to work more than 20 hours per week.

It is advised that you should always check your visa conditions carefully on you visa grant letter once it is granted. Remember, few visa conditions are at Visa Officer’s discretion.

Department Visa Fee for subclass 407

Visa Application Cost - $415

Employer and Nomination

The employer must be an approved before he/she can nominate you for the position. Firstly, the employer will need to lodge the application online to be an approved sponsor. Once the application is approved then sponsor will have to provide in writing that he/she is happy to sponsor the applicant. The applicant needs to ensure that his/her sponsor is genuine and has not had any bad history with the department. Applicant should always check if the sponsor is running his/her business legitimately as per Australian Taxation Laws and happy to bear all the cost associated to his/her sponsorship application.
The employer will have to provide the substantial list of documents to support your application. Few of them are listed below to have some overview but not limited to:

Detailed business plan
Training plan
Organisational structure
Bank Statements and Business Activity Statements
Evidence of payroll and employment of current staff
Business financial documents etc.

Generally, the department approves the sponsorship for five years commencing from the date of approval.

Visa Processing Time

Training Visa Subclass 407 visa processing time is between 1 month to 4 months. If you and your employer provide all the required documents and complete all the steps in a timely manner, the final decision on the visa Subclass 407 will be given within 4 months. However, in current situation of Covid-19 Pandemic, the application processing time may affect.

Occupation List

The occupation list is quite broad and include many occupations from STSOL and MLTSSL list and include most of the popular occupations such as Chef, Software Engineer, ICT Engineer, ICT Business Analyst, Registered Nurse (RN), Midwife, Civil Engineer etc. Please contact us to find if your occupation is in the list.
Remember, you can lodge this visa whether you are in or outside of Australia. So, if you are in Australia and your visa is about to expire. You may want to consider the option for the Training Visa Subclass 407 if you have the employer and the right qualification. Your eligibility is subject to the application assessment. So, if you have the right skills and a genuine business or employer, you think who can provide you this opportunity to take your occupational and work-related training in Australia for 2 years. Then it is the right time to collect more information and seek some professional advice.

Australian Immigration Law is complicated, and you should always seek migration advice from the registered migration agent. So, if you need any advice or want to know your eligibility for Training Visa Subclass 407, please contact us.

Disclaimer: The information provided here is for informational purposes only and should not be construed as legal advice on any subject matter.

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